Our Online Agenda service is aligned with our green communication strategy.
The platform is the main digital bridge linking the school to parents and students; it guarantees reaching concerned parties directly as we issue letters, memos, notifications, invitations, reminders…
It enhances the Parent-School partnership and involves the parents in all about their children progress at school as it offers daily feeds on a student’s Assigned Work, Attendance, Disciplinary, and Assessment Records, Health Recordings, Individual Issues, Class Issues, Feedback, in addition to accessing the digitally rated Course Skills for our K-6 learners…
Parents sign an agreement form acknowledging receiving their Online Agenda family account package, and being aware of our online communication as their main reference.
Our Online Agenda service can be reached by downloading its App (available at Google Play and App Store) for quick access, or by logging in via browser for further details.
Download our Online Agenda App.
It is Available on the Android & iOS Stores.
Stay Tuned !